Offers In fact data tracking and optimization are the main factors that differentiate rich media from other advertising formats As an advertiser you want to be able to track data so you can make better decisions Better decisions lead to smarter targeting resulting in higher conversions Ultimately better optimization results in more accurate data monitoring which will generate more revenue Here are the stats from one of the best rich media ad campaigns.
Launched on our global advertising platform RM It png RM It png Phone Number List Impressions the number of times people saw your ad Rich event an action taken by a user to interact with your ad CTR the number of times someone clicked on your line item Overall Engagement the amount of attention dedicated to your advertising and the actions users take to interact with it Among the metrics that these ads analyze are viewable impressions interactions CTR and ad.
Relevance metric that makes a difference is the engagement rate This metric cannot be measured with regular ads like static banners This is what makes rich media ads so useful to a business By understanding how your audience interacts with your advertising you can optimize your ads as you go and refine your campaign strategy The benefits of Rich Media ads for advertisers We ve already talked about many benefits but we.