本帖最後由 israt654322 於 2024-3-9 14:23 編輯
Suppose you have entered a website and are reading one of its articles; While reading, you will notice that the author places links in the middle of the text or at the end of the article to provide additional information to the audience, or reference in the field related to that article. Since the article is attractive to the audience who took the time to read it, they are encouraged to click on the link and get more information about the content of the article. The process in which the author refers the audience to other pages through one or more links is called link building .
Link building is only one of hundreds of important and key factors Kuwait Phone Number Data of site SEO. If you want to know which SEO factors are most important for your site, consult our experts during a free meeting. first name and last name Hamed Hamidi phone number what do you sell? Selling clothes and.. In what field do you want advice? SEO, advertising, sales or... Link building is divided into two categories: internal link building and external link building, which we will examine in the rest of the article. An example of internal linking What is internal linking? First, we need to get acquainted with the concept of internal links.
Internal links are links that direct the user from one page to another on the same website. For example, the user is on the page site.com/page1 and by clicking on the link on this page, he is transferred to the page site.com/page2. The website managers plan the content production process so that as much as possible each subject has a separate and dedicated page; Then, any part of the article that the user needs to know about another topic will be directed to the page specific to that topic through internal linking. If you are wondering what is the advantage of internal linking, read the next part of the article.