After that, the template with the best conversion rate is selected.channels Verify your business accounts and get a check mark for your official Sender ID. This is necessary for customer trust and conducting legitimate business via instant messengers. To get a verification mark and a branded name that will be attached to your texts, you need the messenger’s permission first.
Messaggio uses only official channels for mass texting, and officially partners with mobile carriers and me Netherlands Phone Numbers 10 Million List ssengers, including WhatsApp and Viber. Discover the full potential of messenger marketing by sending rich content (messages with images, buttons, and videos) to your customers. This is only possible for bulk texting via official channels.
We provide omni-channel service Automatically redirect your messages from the channel to channel to ensure that the message reaches its destination. Optimize your business processes — manage all channels in a single interface, and streamline customer communications. Bottom line Customer Retention Rate is a vital business metric.