The above refers to the employer's decision which is usually manifested in a training contract regulating the mutual rights and obligations of the parties to the employment relationship related to the improvement of the employee's professional qualifications. If you want to know what talent management is in an organization go here . Training leave for an employee An employee improving his her professional qualifications of the working day for the time necessary to arrive on time for compulsory.
Classes and for their duration cf. art. of the Labor Code. IMPORTANT For the duration of training leave and for the time of being released from all or part of the working day the employee retains the right to remuneration cf. of the Labor Code. Training leave is granted in the amount of days – for an employee philippines photo editor taking external examinations; days – for an employee taking the secondary school leaving examination; days – for an employee taking an exam confirming vocational qualifications or.
A vocational exam; days in the last year of studies to prepare a diploma thesis and prepare for and take the diploma examination cf. art. of the Labor Code. In turn pursuant to Art. of the Labor Code clearly states that training leave is granted for days that are working days for the employee in accordance with the employee's working time schedule. Keep in mind that training leave is granted by the employer and the employee cannot decide on his own to use the training leave at a time convenient for him.