Leave a comment companies resort to employing psychologists within their teams, in order to understand the purchasing decision of consumers, as many of the choices and decisions made by the customer are influenced in one way or another by the psychological factor and the environment surrounding him, and some studies have indicated that 70% of shoppers make the purchasing decision in Store, this is the essence of the term shopper marketing, what is it? What is Shopper Marketing?
Marketing to shoppers, or what is called all-stage marketing, is an approach that aims to enhance the consumer’s shopping experience when purchasing, and it also works to analyze the customer’s purchasing journey through phone number database all stages. The marketing base for shoppers is based on the consumer when making a purchase decision. When the customer enters the store, all efforts are intensified to attract his attention at the last minute to complete the purchasing process. These efforts are represented in lighting, color psychology in marketing , designs, printed media, promotional advertisements, and others. Why is shopper marketing important? Where exactly is shopper marketing important? What constitutes the essence of this importance?
In the following points you can find out: Increasing consumption means, in one way or another, increasing sales, and this is what entrepreneurs and company owners are looking for, and shopper marketing helps them in this, as this approach aims to increase consumption and their participation in all stages of purchase. Marketing at all stages plays a major role in analyzing customer behavior and studying the external influences that affect the purchase decision, and this approach in particular is suitable for online and offline stores. The effectiveness of this approach is highlighted in the value of the valuable data that it provides you, and what you should do is to exploit this data to your advantage.