Christmas is approaching and there are a series of risks for our pets, related to decorations, gifts or special foods , that we have to take into account. In this article we are going to tell you some of the main dangers of Christmas for pets.
Christmas Plants
The Poinsettia or Poinsettia is considered the Christmas plant par De Cell Number excellence and, therefore, we must know that it is one of the many plants that are toxic to our pets .
Its white sap has an irritating effect on the mouth, esophagus and skin. The leaves ingested by our dog or cat will cause vomiting and nausea , sometimes even diarrhea. In large quantities it can cause neurological problems.
A good strategy in houses where there are only dogs is to put them on high surfaces that are difficult for them to access and thus avoid problems . In the case of cats we cannot use this strategy since they are expert climbers and therefore it is best to avoid them.
Other typical plants of this time are Holly and Mistletoe. Both are toxic since ingesting them can cause gastrointestinal symptoms . Mistletoe, in particular, can cause more serious symptoms such as hypotension, collapse and seizures.
Christmas tree and decoration
The Christmas tree also represents a risk for dogs or cats . If it is natural, it is dangerous since ingesting the needles can cause cuts in the mouth and even, in some cases, in the intestine.

But above all we must take into account the danger of decorations . Tinsel or balls, especially if they are made of glass or ceramic, could cause intestinal obstructions or cuts.
We also have to be careful with the light cables since an electric shock could occur and cause electrocutions and burns.
Finally, you have to be very careful with the candles that are lit during these times since the animal could easily burn themselves or throw them away without realizing it. We should never leave a candle lit in an unattended room.
Foods that should not be eaten
First of all, we must be very careful with binge eating and prevent them from having the opportunity to eat everything they want .
En esta época con tantas reuniones debemos estar vigilantes y no permitir que por descuido las mascotas tengan libre acceso a los banquetes navideños.
Pero además del peligro de comer en exceso existen una serie de alimentos más dañinos para nuestras mascotas. En la lista de alimentos y bebidas frecuentes en Navidad que nuestras mascotas no deben ingerir.